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How your Poinsettia can thrive this festive season.

Keep it cosy

Cosy temperatures are the way forward with this stunning red leafy plant.

Get your poinsettias home as quickly as possible, ideally wrapped in paper to keep them snug, they’ll sulk & drop leaves if left in a chilly car, no really, they do!

Like most of us, Poinsettias don’t like to be near a draft or in rooms where the temperatures fluctuate. They love a steady room temperature between 18°C and 25°C.

Being close to a radiator shouldn’t be a problem for your Poinsettia, as they need warmth and plenty of natural, filtered light, but keep them away from the fire, doorways, and windows.


There is no set rule on the number of days when you should water your poinsettia. It’s simple really, pop your finger on the soil, and if it’s bone dry, water it.

Be careful not to over water it though. Avoid the roots sitting in water, as this will rot the roots and that isn’t good for any of your houseplants!

A mist a day

Raise the humidity levels to help keep those stunning red leaves vibrant and the green leaves a rich green, by misting your plant. The mist keeps the plant happy and saves you time in the long run too.

Feeding your poinsettia

Feeding your poinsettia is essential for a long lasting display – they can last through to March! 

Try feeding with Westland Houseplant Feed once a week. This plant feed can be used for all your houseplants, not just your Christmas poinsettia, so it’s great to have in the cupboard.

Inspect your leaves

If the leaves are turning yellow, falling off or curling up. This indicates that the plant is usually too dry. 

It’s not always easy to find the right place for your poinsettia to sit for the right heat and light, but once you’ve found it, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful, happy plant throughout the festive season.

Extending it's life

It takes a little work but if you’re feeling brave you can try to keep the plant alive for next year,  once you get going, you’ll be just fine.

During the spring allow your poinsettias to go a little drier between watering. Spring also is the best time to start fertilizing.

In May, cut about 4 inches from each stem, this helps you to get a lush, full plant during the winter. Also in May increase watering and re-pot when new shoots appear. It will need feeding once a week once it’s taken to its new pot.

The fun bit

Here’s the fun bit and the bit that’s going to make the most difference to the colour of your poinsettia for next Christmas.

To get poinsettias to re-bloom, limit its exposure to sunlight. By limit, we mean it needs to be in complete darkness for at least 12 hours a day and by complete darkness, we mean uninterrupted darkness. No walking into a room, opening a cupboard, no, nada!

Some gardeners put their plant in a box between 5pm-8am, then put it in a sunny place in their home during the day. It does seem like a bit of a faff, but it’s only for 8 weeks.

Once your flowers start to bloom, just feed it once a week with Westland Houseplant Feed, like you did the year before.

Flower buds should be seen by November if all goes well. This process should ensure beautiful red petals again. You can proudly tell everyone YOU did that. It’s very rewarding seeing all your hard work come to fruition!

Source: Westland